Buses will make Bribie Better

Published 6:00am 13 December 2023

Buses will make Bribie Better
Words by Nick Crockford

On-demand buses, ferry hoppers and e-scooters are among the suggestions to solve Bribie Island’s transport issues - and prepare for the future.

There are also calls for more bus services, off-island park-and-rides, a Ningi bypass and a “new connection” from the highway to Sandstone Point.

More than 120 comments are on the Bribie Island and Surrounds Transport and Mobility Study, run Transport and Main Roads until December 17.

Others have been put forward by the Bribie Island Environmental Protection Association (BIEPA) on its Better Bribie Transport Facebook page.

The aim is to identify transport challenges, opportunities and options for Toorbul, Donnybrook, Beachmere, Ningi, Sandstone Point and the southern end of Bribie.

BIEPA is leading the call for residents and visitors to “make sure our voice is heard in an important survey about transport on and around Bribie”.

The group’s proposals for an “effective future transport system” include small electric on-demand buses to zoned areas of Bribie and surrounds.

Small hopper ferries on Pumicestone Passage linking with buses, off-island park and rides, increased public transport and more use of community transport.

Also “large scale eco-friendly walking and cycling tracks mapped around Bribie in conservation and marine parks” and out to Caboolture and Wamuran.

On Better Bribie Transport there is support for Demand Responsive Transport - buses picking up and dropping off at requested locations and better bus connections from Caboolture Station.

Comments on the TMR survey agree. James RT wrote: “More buses to and from Caboolture to Bribie would be amazing …. every half hour, instead of every hour.”

Cg Keep posted: “The bus service in and out of Beachmere is absolutely awful. If you work in the city, you’ll miss the last bus unless you leave before 5pm. If the train is delayed the bus leaves rather than wait.”

Buses will make Bribie Better

K Arjuna said: “Consider a new connection to Sandstone Point that leaves highway earlier than Caboolture turn-off and reduces travel time to Bribie Island Bridge.”

Stephen W added: “A safe active transport connection to Bribie could take advantage of quiet local roads, opening up the area to low impact tourism and providing healthy travel options for a wide range of people.”

Other comments are calls for a bus connection from Godwin Beach to Bribie, daily bus services from Donnybrook and Toorbul to Caboolture, reducing traffic (and speeding jet skis) on Pumicestone Passage and making walkways on Bribie bridge wider for mobility devices.

State Member for Pumicestone Ali King says ideas she has seen include on-demand mini-buses, better bus connections, more bus stops and greater services for outlying communities.

To complete the survey online click here. Forms can also be downloaded and dropped in to Ali King’s office at 1/43 Benabrow Ave, Bellara.

Or posted free of charge to: Transport Strategy & Planning Department, Transport & Main Roads, Reply Paid 88872, Brisbane City, QLD 4000.


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