Busy time for North Lakes Lions

Published 12:00pm 25 May 2023

Busy time for North Lakes Lions
Words by Kylie Knight

North Lakes Lions Club members have had a busy few months, welcoming guest speakers and hosting their annual trivia night to raise money for local causes.

Here’s the latest from the club’s scribe Lion Chris Doyle …

I thought it would be nice to highlight some of our guest speakers who join us free of charge and enlighten us to their individual, and indeed collective situations, in how they provide a service to our community.

Firstly, Dolphins Chairman Bob Jones, gave us an informed talk on the club’s journey so far, their plans for the future, and the acquisition of Super Coach Wayne Bennett, to prepare the latest NRL team - The Dolphins.

Deputy Mayor Jodie Shipway gave us an update on council activity, encouraging everyone to go to the Council website where you can have your say on current and future initiatives such as Suttons Beach Pavilion redevelopment. She also gave a report about local flood victims.

Local Controller of the State Emergency Service (SES) Moreton Bay Sean Harrop gave us a very informative talk regarding the inherent dangers that SES personal face whenever they are called to act, and how important service clubs such as ours are in being able to donate funds so they can acquire extra equipment which in turn saves time and saves lives.

Dr James Legessner, author of 25 books and an entertainer, addressed us with his vast knowledge of the early days of Brisbane and highlighted several of his books and focused on two in particular, Cloudland Queen of the Dancehalls, and another Snippets from a Baby-Boomers Diary.

Another well-versed speaker and author was Tom Law OAM. Tom completed an apprenticeship as an electrician, then joined the Army. After 21 years of service, he was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for his service to training. He donned the civies and worked on his own business and eventually managed a gym. For the past 20 years, he has continued his education in the health and wellness field. Today, he has his own fitness business called Tom’s Law. He has two books to his credit Fit Happens and Tom’s Law, a life fit for living.

Lastly, our members were addressed by 16-year-old boxer Aaron Grealey, who settled in North Lakes six years ago with his parents from the UK. He’s won two Queensland State Championships, two Golden Glove National Championships, and was awarded best National youth male boxer. Aaron qualified to represent Australia in Spain at the World Youth Boxing Championships, which he was elected Team Captain. He is highly motivated, extremely fit and a very humble young man who realises that doing well in Spain is his pathway to the 2024 Olympics. Go Aaron.

North Lakes Lions makes a donation to DARE Formal Wear at Strathpine.

Event not trivial

Our main club event each year has been our Trivia Night, for which tickets are hotly sought after. We usually raise a bunch money and then distribute it equally between three chosen organisations. This year, we contributed to The Jack Reed Foundation, the SES and The Breakfast Club of Redcliffe.

The theme of the Trivia Night this year was “A Night at the Oscars”.

Donations made

Local businessman Steve Pronk accepted a cheque from our club for the charity Are You Bogged Mate, which raises awareness of depression and suicide among men in rural areas.

Another cheque was presented to Karen Johns from DARE Formal Wear at Strathpine. DARE stands for Domestic Abuse Recovery Education and is a registered not-for-profit charity providing a service offering immediate care and support to survivors and their families.

Become a member

You can join the North Lakes Lions Club by phoning Membership Officer Lion Greg on 0422 422 710. Greg will answer any questions and invite you to a dinner meeting. Joining our club, you’ll instantly experience our “many hands make light work ethic”.


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