Christmas comes early to Newport

Published 9:03am 24 December 2020

Christmas comes early to Newport
Words by Jodie Powell

Newport’s waterside community has marked the festive season with something akin to a Christmas miracle.

Newport Waterside Neighbourhood Watch area co-ordinator Jay Peters says residents celebrated Christmas a little early with a parade – organised in less than a week.

With vintage cars – including a Cadillac convertible identical to the one Elvis Presley gave wife Priscilla – Harley Davidsons, a police escort and even the Fire Brigade and Santa, the parade wove its way through the streets of Newport on Sunday sprinkling Christmas cheer (and lollies).

Pilpel also took part in the parade, blasting Christmas music from the venue’s trademark Hummer.

Police support

Jay says organisers were grateful to the Redcliffe Police, who granted a permit for the event last Wednesday, leaving just enough time to bring it all together for Sunday evening.

“It was touch and go – we didn’t know if we’d get the permit in time,” Jay says.

“Obviously we have had a tough year and a couple of locals thought after seeing our Christmas lights competition what better way to finish the year than with a parade.”

Raising money for people in need

The event raised about $700, which Jay says will be distributed to families in need in the new year.

“We were trying to raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Watch group and also give something back,” Jay says.

“We’re trying to create a really strong community.”

Jay says it was humbling to see residents lining the streets and hosting small gatherings on their front lawns.

“It was really overwhelming – such a humbling experience for everyone involved.”

Read more good news here.

Image credit: Little Finch Photography


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