Community input for Samford Village Green

Published 9:08am 7 January 2021

Community input for Samford Village Green
Words by Jodie Powell

The community has the chance to have a say in the next stage of development at the Samford Parklands.

Moreton Bay Regional Council is encouraging residents to complete a comprehensive survey that will help shape a concept design for a Village Green, which aims to showcase the spirit of the Samford Valley.

Councillor Darren Grimwade (Div 11) says the survey seeks input on defining the vision and site values for consideration in a future design and will help Council understand what is important about Samford and the parklands to the community and visitors.

Community input for Samford Village Green

Share your ideas

“The Samford Parklands are an iconic part of town, and we want locals to continue sharing their thoughts and ideas on future design,” Cr Grimwade says.

“The next stage of the master plan is creating The Village Green, which will transform the empty field next to the new $4.45 million Samford Parklands Community Hub.”

He says the feedback will influence how Council evolves and grows the area sustainably, while preserving the region’s rich farming, science and recreation history.

Community input for Samford Village Green

Preserved for future generations

“From sport to social groups, small businesses and agriculture, the Samford Parklands are many things to many people, and Moreton Bay Regional Council wants to see that continue for generations to come.

“Samford is renowned for its verdant hills and valleys, so I think it’s logical for our place making to try to capture that greenery and energy.

“I’d like to thank the community for their enthusiasm and involvement so far, and I look forward to hearing their feedback on this exciting project.”

Community input for Samford Village Green

A place for community

Among the aspects survey participants are asked to consider are how they would like to see the parkland make the most of the aesthetics of the space and materials used to create it, what open spaces should look like, options for shade, barbecue and picnic facilities, multifunctional spaces, play spaces, and the composition of walking and cycling trails.

Located on Mount Samson Rd, the Parklands are home to community activities and organisations including organised sports, social enterprise, animal pasture, revegetation works, trails and recreation.

Find the survey, which is open until February 12, here.

For more community news, click here.


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