Crack at Keno earns $1.7m windfall

Published 7:00am 4 December 2020

Crack at Keno earns $1.7m windfall
Words by Nick Crockford

A Kallangur man admits he suddenly lost his appetite in the excitement of scoring the $1.7 million Keno Classic 10 Spot prize while out for dinner with family last night.

The man’s winning Keno entry turned out to be $1,784,138.40 and says: “I don’t know whether to believe it or not! I haven’t been able to eat or drink anything; I’m so tensed up with excitement.”

Cracking idea

“I was out for dinner with my parents and girlfriend and I thought I’d play some Keno. I said to my girlfriend, ‘you pick five numbers and I’ll pick five numbers and we’ll give it a crack’.

“I picked my numbers by choosing one higher than numbers I had previously played that hadn’t won me anything.

“When I saw my girlfriend’s five numbers, I told her ‘they won’t win us anything!’. Then bingo! They did! She sure showed me.

“I had no idea I had won until I went up to check my ticket. On my way up there was a bit of chatter about the place and someone said ‘maybe it’s him’.

Mate, you’ve won!

“I thought I’d done something wrong! I checked my ticket and the bloke behind the counter said ‘mate, you’ve won $1.7 million’.

“I told him to go away! I was so shocked. I am still in shock!”

When asked how he planned to enjoy his Keno fun money he says: “Well, I’ve shared it with my girlfriend as she helped me win! She’ll probably use it to buy a house.

“I’ll use mine to help upgrade my folks’ place with some aircon and maybe a new roof. I also want to buy myself a few motorbikes and then buy a shed to put them in!

“The rest I’ll just pop into a bank account for the future so I can help my son and family in the long-term.”


The winning entry was bought at Norths Leagues & Services Club, Anzac Avenue, Kallangur.

Norths Leagues Marketing Coordinator James Bennett said he was blown away when he heard his venue had sold a major Keno prize winning entry.

“This is a life-changing moment, so close to Christmas – it can’t not put a smile on your face!” says Norths Leagues & Services Club Marketing Coordinator James Bennett.

“This is the first really big Keno win we’ve been a part of so it is great! It’s a privilege to even be a small part of it!

Joy and disbelief

“There was an aura of excitement, joy and disbelief in the club after the win. We’re looking forward to welcoming our lucky member back into the club. We’ll be having a little party to celebrate the win!”

Between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, Keno players across the eastern states of Australia celebrated more than 58.4 million wins collectively worth more than $776.79 million.

There’s more news here


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