Cycling fans clock up thousands of kilometres

Published 12:30pm 25 January 2021

Cycling fans clock up thousands of kilometres
Words by Jodie Powell

Every year Newport retirees Jenny and Graham Anderson clock up thousands of kilometres cycling around the Moreton Bay Region.

While Graham has long been an avid cyclist, Jenny only took up the pursuit in earnest about a decade ago.

“Graham had ridden for a number of years in competitions – I have always been able to cycle, but working and raising children I didn’t have time, so I only started when I retired 10 years ago,” Jenny says.

Back on track

They cycled almost every day until ill health forced Graham to take a break, but have since returned to the region’s trails, with Graham on the bike every second day.

The pair, in their 70s, moved to Stockland’s Newport Retirement Living from Margate in 2019 when looking to downsize and say they were attracted to the community’s location, kilometres of walking and cycling paths and easy access to shops and transport.

“We love to jump on our bikes in the morning and explore all that the Redcliffe Peninsula has to offer,” Graham says.

“It’s as good here as you’ll ever find anywhere overseas, and every day we feel like we’re on holidays.”

Jenny says they enjoy exploring the area by bike, covering more than 100km some weeks.

Cycling fans clock up thousands of kilometres

Rail Trail a favourite

“We’ve upgraded to electric bikes now - you do have to pedal but it helps on the hills, especially when we ride to Petrie on the Rail Trail,” she says.

Graham is no stranger to keeping fit – he broke a record running up Uluru in 1973.

Jenny says exercise is an important part of their lifestyle and urges others to find something they enjoy.

“You do need to exercise - I often think to myself `if I don’t do it, where would I be’,” she says.

“Find a buddy to do it with. Graham and I mainly do our bike riding, but I walk with a friend and do restorative yoga and yoga on the beach, and water aerobics.

“You need to live life with a smile on your face and not take things too seriously.”

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