Redcliffe 7s in Pacific sights

Published 12:00pm 11 February 2021

Redcliffe 7s in Pacific sights
Words by Nick Crockford

The first Redcliffe 7s Premier Youth Rugby Tournament is set to kick-off this month with more than 100 Queensland teams – but word is spreading overseas.

Organised by Redcliffe Junior Rugby Union, the tournament is for Under 12-18 boys’ and girls’ club, schools and independent sides.

They will be drawn from Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Ipswich areas to the Ray Frawley Fields, Clontarf, on February 27-28.

However, there has already been interest from the Pacific region and in future years the Redcliffe 7s may be open to teams from such as New Zealand and Fiji.

Redcliffe 7s in Pacific sights

Annual event

“We felt there was little opportunity in Queensland for a sevens youth rugby structured in this way,” said Tournament Director Andrew Bianchi

“We are looking at this as an annual event and if we get it up and running, we could possibly open it up internationally.”

The inaugural Redcliffe 7s may have 120-130 teams playing in pools of four across nine or 10 different age groups on three fields. Each field could host more than 30 games.

Matches are played over two seven-minute halves with less than a minute between fixtures in keeping with the fast-paced, fun atmosphere of Sevens rugby.

Redcliffe 7s in Pacific sights

Festival feel

The festival feel will be supported by music during play, plans for a big screen at the ground, livestreaming of the finals and food/drink trucks and vendors on the grounds.

“We hope the sevens tournament will help the club’s profile, get some recognition and players,” said Redcliffe Junior Rugby Union President Andy Cara.

“The 15-a-side season starts in April/May so this is useful preparation and some sevens players may look to play 15-a-side.”

Redcliffe 7s in Pacific sights

Sign-on day

To register for the Redcliffe 7s contact the registration co-ordinator by email via [email protected] or phone 0418 768592.

Individual players can register and tournament organisers will place them into teams. For further information visit Redcliffe 7s Facebook page.

Redcliffe Junior Rugby Union is also preparing for the 15-a-side season. The sign-on days for those aged under 5-18 are February 27-28 at the Ray Frawley Fields – the same days and venue as the Redcliffe 7s tournament.

For more visit Redcliffe Junior Rugby Union Facebook page or the website

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