Festival of sails cancelled

Published 11:31am 29 March 2021

Festival of sails cancelled
Words by Kylie Knight

Organisers of this year’s Festival of Sails have cancelled the event, scheduled for Good Friday as a result of the evolving COVID-19 cluster and in the interests of public safety.

The popular family event at the Suttons Beach foreshore traditionally kicks-off the Easter long weekend and attracts thousands of visitors keen to join in the festivities and watch the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race vessels pass by.

It is organised by Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT) in partnership with Moreton Bay Regional Council.

MBRIT Chairman Shane Newcombe says it is a tough decision, but the right one given the three-day lockdown from 5pm today and uncertainty around community transmission.

“This is the right call, in the interests of public safety. We’re disappointed the event can’t go ahead again this year, due to COVID-19, but look forward to hosting it again in 2022,” Mr Newcombe says.

“It’s important we follow the advice from Queensland Health to keep everyone safe.

“For the latest information about the COVID-19 cluster, exposure sites, where to get tested and what you need to do, head to moretondaily.com.au.”

Mayor Peter Flannery says council has cancelled all scheduled events and activities through to close of business Thursday.

“MBRIT has had to make the hard decision to cancel the hugely popular Festival of Sails event this weekend, so I apologise to everyone who’d been looking forward to that,” Mayor Flannery says.

“Three days of inconvenience could save us weeks or months of further lockdowns.

“The Premier has said there’s no need to panic buy - supermarkets are well stocked and will remain open, you just need to wear a face mask if you leave your home.”

To get the latest information about the COVID-19 shutdown, head here

For more community news, head here


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