Full signs go up - again

Published 7:00am 10 February 2021

Full signs go up - again
Words by Nick Crockford

The full signs are up at North Lakes Oztag. Such is its popularity, no more teams can be squeezed into the new autumn season at Woodside.

More than 1000 players have registered in 93 teams – a far cry from the day seven years ago when there were just 12 sides.

Venue manager Bek Robertson has seen those numbers steadily rise and reach capacity for the first time in the spring (September to December) season last year.

That is when most juniors play after the traditional autumn/winter football code seasons.

Rapid growth

“It’s just grown through social media and word of mouth,” said Bek, “people are coming from all over the region, Bribie, Redcliffe, Clontarf, Bray Park.

“It’s a social sport, no training nights or weekends. It’s (rugby) league minus the tackling. We just haven’t the field space to take any more teams this season.”

The aim of oztag which was invented in 1992, is to get a tag on the side of your opponent’s shorts to stop them scoring.

Other centres are at Ferny Grove and the Sunshine Coast. Age groups range from those Tiny Taggers aged 3-5 years to seniors. The oldest at North Lakes is 67.

Rep teams

Representative teams have been selected for this year’s State Cup tournaments being held on the Sunshine Coast.

Eight junior teams (aged Under 10-17, boys and girls) will be in action in April. Eight senior sides (Under 20s, Open, Mixed, Masters, Men Over 30 And Over 40) are in June.

Selections for the Super Series will be made from the Sunshine Coast event.

For further information visit northlakesoztag.com or the centre’s Facebook page.

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