Holistic approach a winner

Published 3:00pm 7 September 2020

Holistic approach a winner
Words by Jodie Powell

North Lakes homeopath Sarah Kottmann drew on her own experiences of holistic healing when she decided to become a homeopath.

Her commitment to healing others has earnt her a place as a finalist in four categories of this year’s AusMumpreneur Awards, presented by The Women’s Business School.

Nature’s Happiness is a finalist in the Product Innovation and Sustainability categories, celebrating the success of its Little Munchkins formula, while North Lakes Homeopathy made the grade for Health & Wellbeing and Making a Difference (Business).

Inspired by her son

Sarah says she developed Little Munchkins with a food technician six years ago after discovering her son, Lachlan, was dairy intolerant.

“It helps toddlers who are allergic to dairy or on a plant-based diet,” Sarah says.

“My own son had dairy intolerance and I wanted something that was also free from soy.”

Little Munchkins was the result, with a daytime formula and a sleepy time one. Next will come a breastfeeding shake that includes herbs to prevent mastitis and help with lactation.

Holistic approach a winner

Family history

Sarah opened North Lakes Homeopathy about nine years ago, with a focus on health and wellbeing and making a difference.

“My family has always used natural therapies,” she says.

“I was covered in eczema when I was a baby – I was constantly in hospital and on antibiotics, and I had asthma as well.

“Mum used to use homeopathy on us as kids and because it worked, she kept using it.”

Sarah trained as a makeup artist after leaving school, but was inspired to study naturopathy when a friend signed up for a course.

“I’ve always wanted to help people and support them in their wellbeing,” she says.

“This is a really holistic approach – nutrition and lifestyle are so important. You look at everything that’s going on in a patient’s life, the whole body and how everything ties together.”

Awards thrill

Sarah says was thrilled to be named as a finalist in the AusMumpreneur Awards.

“It’s really amazing to have that value placed on what I do.”

Read more local news here.


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