In touch-ing distance of funding goal

Published 8:00am 15 October 2020

In touch-ing distance of funding goal
Words by Nick Crockford

Caboolture Rugby Union and Caboolture Touch are set for a big win with a seven-figure funding pledge towards their new clubhouse by the state Labor party.

State Member for Morayfield, Mark Ryan says a re-elected Labor Government would contribute $1 million towards the redevelopment at Petersen Rd, home to both codes.

The existing clubhouse is more than 30 years old and seen as having outdated facilities as well as accessibility issues.

A new clubhouse would cost around $4 million. Moreton Bay Regional Council and Caboolture Sports Club have pledged $1 million each and the plan has development approval.

State LNP candidate for Morayfield Fiona Craig did not say, when asked, if the LNP would match Labor’s clubhouse pledge.

“This is a terrific announcement for Caboolture Rugby and Caboolture Touch,” Mr Ryan says. The clubs have more than 1680 players between them.

“The existing clubhouse facility at Petersen Road is in need of replacement and both clubs have been advocating strongly for support from government.

“Facilities like these are an essential part of strengthening communities and building them creates good local construction jobs, which is a key part of our Government’s Economic Recovery Plan.”

Mayor Peter Flannery said upgrading Peterson Rd Sports Complex was part of a plan to make the region a leading sports destination in South East Queensland.

“Caboolture Sports Club is a key economic and social contributor in our region, employing more than 300 staff across 53 clubs,” he said.

“A new clubhouse is a massive investment in grassroots local sport, as well as giving Moreton Bay even more competition-level facilities to secure state and national sporting competitions that bring money into our local economy.

“We are incredibly grateful for all your support,” said Aimee Best, Manager of Caboolture Touch Association, at the funding announcement.

John Flew, Rugby Manager at Caboolture Rugby Club, says: “This is unbelievable for all out supporters, players and members. It will be unreal. Can’t wait!”

Once full funding is secured, the project is expected to take six months to finalise detailed planning and approvals, then another six months to build.

There’s more news here


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