Industry, Team Utopia is Waiting for You

Published 11:11am 2 June 2020

Industry, Team Utopia is Waiting for You
Words by Kylie Knight

The title of Redcliffe band Team Utopia’s new single Waiting for You may be ironic, as the music industry patiently waits for a green light to perform at live venues, but the man who wrote it says it’s a song with many layers.

“The song is about waiting for you … waiting for anything. It’s more of a call out … people tend to let the past lock them away and there are people waiting for them to help. It’s also a mix of a love song,” Dan explains.

“It’s got a few different angles and scenarios. That’s how I tend to write. I tend to include a range of life experiences in a song.”

But he agrees, some would see the title as ironic and knows first-hand the impact COVID-19 has had on the industry he loves.

“We (the band and crew) have been saving all our money for two years to tour overseas and had five festivals and a boat cruise lined up that have all been canned,” he says.

The tour may be off, but the band hasn’t been sitting idle. They’ve redirected those savings to record a stack of new material and produce music videos.

“We’re filling in time by being creative and getting a whole bunch of songs ready,” Dan says.

Video’s just the beginning

The Waiting for You video made its debut on Youtube on May 27.

“We recorded the song late last year. We did a mini-release on it and decided to re-release it with the video,” Dan says.

He wrote the song and directed the video, which was edited by Daniel Vistar using footage from last year’s Rockin 4 the Homeless charity gig and scenes filmed in locations “all over the place”.

“We’ve had some great responses and it’s going well on Youtube. We’re getting inquiries from people wanting to use it for soundtracks, so we’re really enjoying that,” Dan says.

“Our management team and record label Foghorn will be pushing it in the next few months, and we’ve got a second single out in a couple of weeks. Then it’s into the studio to record new songs.”

He says they’re also working on a whole new show, with visual effects and can’t wait to share it and their new material with fans.

It’s a sentiment shared by most in the music industry who are waiting for you … their fans and the chance to play in live venues.

Ready to rock

The silver lining of COVID-19 may just be a bounty of creative and exciting new music.

“When it all does come back … and it will be a slow process, hopefully sooner rather than later … there’s going to be some great live shows and acts and new material. I’m looking forward to hearing every one of them,” Dan says.

Want to see the Waiting for You video? Head to Youtube or visit the band’s Facebook page.

For more about how you can be creative in the region, read our blog.



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