Key is to Pop Stop Lock

Published 2:06pm 28 August 2020

Key is to Pop Stop Lock
Words by Nick Crockford

Moreton Police are urging the region’s motorists to Pop Stop Lock and help them to tackle car crime.

The appeal, made during Road Safety Week (August 24-28), comes with simple tips which will help stall and hopefully stop sneak car thieves.

Sergeant Sarah Grayson, Officer-in-Charge of Moreton District Crime Prevention Unit, says seven out of every 10 cars are stolen with the owner’s keys.

“Vehicle crime is a big issue,” Sgt Grayson says, “thieves are sneaking into homes and garages and taking keys.

“If vehicle owners can make it much harder for thieves by keeping homes and garages secure, keeping car keys out of sight or hidden, then we can drive down these statistics.”

The police campaign is entitled Pop. Lock. Stop. with the messages to:

  • Pop keys out of sight
  • Lock all doors and windows
  • Stop sneak theft

The Queensland Police campaign is supported by Car Safe, the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council and Moreton Bay Regional Council.

Road Safety Week was launched in this region on Monday with Moreton Police urging motorists to “think hard” about their driving as the current levels are “simply unacceptable”.

The warning comes from Moreton Police District Superintendent John Hallam following 11 fatalities on our roads in July and August – 50 per cent higher than the previous 12 months.

Central to the campaign has been awareness around the Fatal Five:

  • Speeding
  • Seat Belts
  • Drink/Drug Driving
  • Fatigue
  • Distraction

There’s more news here


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