Records and rivalries at twilight carnival

Published 7:00am 12 March 2021

Records and rivalries at twilight carnival
Words by Nick Crockford

More than 450 athletes, covering a 55-year age range, competed in Deception Bay Little Athletics Club’s Twilight Carnival at Zammit Oval last month.

Some travelled five hours to attend the event, on February 20, which saw numerous personal bests, records, new friendships and old rivalries.

An Athletes with Disabilities event was in the program to support inclusion and diversity in the sport.

None of the success of the event would have been achieved without the work of Deception Bay LA’s team of volunteers, said centre manager David Armitage.

Next on the calendar for Deception Bay is the Little Athletics Queensland McDonald’s State Championships, on March 19-21, 2021.

There's more news here


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