Golden show by young stars

Published 6:00am 8 June 2023

Golden show by young stars
Words by Nick Crockford

Pictured back row from left: Bryce Edwards, coach Lyn Gilroy, Beau Edwards, Harry Tedford, Kasen Hetherington, Amelia Townsend, Harrison Lee. Front from left: Ella Garland, Tyga Stimson. 

PCYC Redcliffe’s young stars struck gold, silver and bronze at the Australian Gymnastics Championships – and there may be more medals next month.

Harrison Lee, Bryce Edwards and Tyga Stimson won national titles on the Gold Coast, representing Queensland with seven club colleagues.

Lee and Edwards have since been named in the Australian team to cross the Tasman next month for the New Zealand National Championships (July 3-8).

Joining them will be PCYC Redcliffe’s Gymnastics Co-ordinator Lyn Gilroy, making her first overseas trip as an Australian trampoline team coach.

Gilroy said results at the Australian national titles were “really good” and she was “very proud of them all”.

Tyga Stimson with his gold and bronze medals

In their first year in the top level, Lee and Edwards combined to win the Senior Men’s Synchronised beating Olympic competitors to the title.

Edwards won the Junior Under 22 Male Trampoline and was in Queensland’s winning four-man Team Trampoline squad.

Stimson won the Level 6 Male Double Mini Trampoline gold - and collected bronze in the Level 7 Synchronised - in his first year with the Queensland team.

Lee and Edwards were in the state’s Double Mini Trampoline team which won silver. Kenya Nebauer matched them in Level 7 Trampoline, finishing just 0.1 point off gold.

“I expected Harrison and Bryce to go well,” Lyn Gilroy said.

“Tyga has been with me a couple of years and moved up to Level 6-7. Hopefully, he’ll be going (Junior Under 17 Division) international next year.

“We had two boys, Kasen Hetherington and Beau Edwards, in the Under 15 team, both competing with fractured toes.

Golden show by young stars
Harrison Lee, coach Lyn Gilroy and Bryce Edwards who are off to New Zealand next month.

“They couldn’t train for two weeks, came back for a week, stepped up and did amazingly well. Fantastic work.

“Kenya (Nebauer) missed two months with an ankle injury, came back and competed (finishing second in Level 7 Female Trampoline).

“There were also a couple of new kids, competing at this level for the first time who did really well in the tumbling.”

The trans-Tasman trip for Lee, Edwards and Lyn Gilroy is in July and self-funding. All three are looking for sponsorship and fundraising to help meet their $4000 costs.

Lee and Edwards are also be hoping to make Australia’s squad for this year’s world championships in the UK.

Both went to Bulgaria with the Australian team last year, but Edwards was ill and could not compete. Lee was seventh in his event.

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Australian Gymnastics Championships - PCYC Redcliffe results

Senior Men Trampoline Synchronised: 1st - Harrison Lee and Bryce Edwards (first year in division)

Team Men Trampoline Final: 1st Bryce Edwards (part of four-man team)

Junior U22 Male Trampoline: 1st Bryce Edwards

Level 6 Male DMT: 1st Tyga Stimson (first year in Qld team)

Team Men DMT Final: 2nd Harrison Lee and Bryce Edwards (part of four-man team)

Level 7 Female Trampoline: 2nd Kenya Nebauer (by 0.1 point – first year in division)

Level 7 Male Trampoline Synchronised: 3rd Tyga Stimson (and Bronson Howard. Tyga's first year Qld team)

Youth U14 Male Tumbling: 4th Harry Tedford (by 0.1 point - first year in division)

Level 7 Male Trampoline: 4th Tyga Stimson (first year in Qld team)

Youth U15 Male DMT: 4th Beau Edwards (first year in division)

Senior Men Trampoline: 5th Harrison Lee (first year in division)

Senior Men Trampoline Synchronised: 6th Ryan Bailey (and Raf Wullschleger. Ryan’s first year in division)

Youth Male Trampoline Synchronised: 7th Kasen Hetherington and Beau Edwards (first year in division)

Youth U15 Male Trampoline: 8th Kasen Hetherington (first year in division)

Senior Men DMT: 9th Harrison Lee (first year in division)

Junior U22 Male DMT: 11th Bryce Edwards (did not complete)

Junior U22 Male DMT: 12th Ryan Bailey (first year in division)

Youth U15 Male DMT: 12th Kasen Hetherington (did not complete)

Level 6 Female DMT: 13th Amelia Townsend (first year in QLD team)

Youth U15 Male Trampoline: Beau Edwards (withdrew from final due to injury, first year in division)

Junior U22 Male Trampoline: 15th Ryan Bailey (first year in division)

Level 5 Female Tumbling: 25th Ella Garland (first year in QLD team)


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