Modelling idea on grandkids

Published 10:00am 26 September 2020

Modelling idea on grandkids
Words by Nick Crockford

Residents at Bolton Clarke’s Inverpine retirement village in Murrumba Downs have been taking the lead from their grandchildren to produce some extraordinary clay modelling.

The arty idea was the brainchild of village resident Michelle Presnell, who is president of the village’s social club.

“We all needed something we could do (during coronavirus) at home to keep our minds and bodies active,” she said.

“We wanted something that wasn’t too complicated and suitable for everyone here, including those who might have trouble with their hands or arthritis in their fingers. And we wanted it to be fun and creative.

“My kids used to love playdough and I thought – ‘why can’t we do that?’

Modelling idea on grandkids

Model students

They bought modelling clay and over time added paddle pop sticks and Styrofoam balls. “These are the things my kids used. We’ve come full circle!” jokes Michelle.

Among some of the sculptural pieces are an impressive peacock and a windmill, created by Rita Moller, and Michelle’s husband Des Presnell, respectively.

“I modelled the windmill I made off the ‘Don Quixote windmills’ in Spain,” adds Des, who jokes that he likes to keep active saying “if you don’t move it you lose it!”

Michelle certainly gets her share of exercise from the venture too. “I’ve made three peacocks now,” she says.

“My nine-year-old grandson took one home. He really liked it. He’s been helping me with little things like gardening.”

There’s more news here


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