Morayfield man reeling from big win

Published 2:56pm 7 December 2020

Morayfield man reeling from big win
Words by Nick Crockford

A Morayfield man says he’s still numb more than 24 hours after checking his Saturday Gold Lotto ticket while half asleep and learning his life had changed in the best way possible.

The man held one of the seven division one winning entries nationally in Saturday Gold Lotto draw 4109. Each entry takes home a division one prize of $906,269.30.

Confirming his win with The Lott today, the winning man admits: “I’m numb and I don’t know what to do.

“I haven’t really celebrated just yet because I’ve been waiting for the news to be confirmed.
I didn’t want to get ahead of myself.

“I always check my ticket on a Sunday morning. I was half asleep and checked it, and I had to put my glasses on and read it properly because I thought I was seeing things.

“I just about fell over. It was very, very exciting! I’m completely overwhelmed.”

When asked how he plans to enjoy his division one windfall, the regular player explains he has suddenly felt a weight lift from his shoulders.

“This changes things, significantly,” he says. “It really takes a lot of stress off. I don’t have to worry about the little things now.

“I’ll definitely start to slow down. I might even retire a little earlier now!”

The life-changing ticket was bought at Nextra Morayfield Village News at Morayfield Shopping Centre.

“We’re so excited for our winner,” says owner Ken Allan. “We were so pumped when we realised we’d sold the winning ticket.

“Our regular customers are all so happy to hear that this prize has gone to a local. Congratulations to him!”

The winning numbers in Saturday Gold Lotto draw 4109 on December 5 were 11, 32, 41, 1, 9 and 24, while the supplementary numbers were 15 and 38.

Across Australia, there were seven division one winning entries in Saturday Gold Lotto draw 4109 – two from New South Wales, one from Queensland, three from Victoria and one from Western Australia.

The Lott’s division one winning tally has now reached 186 so far this financial year, including 44 won by Golden Casket customers.

There’s more news here


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