Moreton Bay ANZAC Day services 2024

Published 6:55am 25 April 2024

Moreton Bay ANZAC Day services 2024
Words by Moreton Daily
By Nick Crockford, Jodie Powell, Ashleigh Howarth and Kylie Knight

Big crowds are pausing to remember those who have served and continue to serve our country, attending ANZAC Day commemorations across the City of Moreton Bay. 

Here’s our rolling coverage of the day … 

Caboolture Dawn Service

Before dawn, the crowd gathered at the Bolton Clarke Fernhill residential aged care in Caboolture.

The traditional dawn service held in conjunction with Caboolture RSL, began in the dark at 4.50am.

Under a full moon, the memorial and flags were wonderfully lit as children and adults joined the veterans.

The traditional service included laying of the wreaths around the memorial base.

By Nick Crockford

Photos by Bolton Clarke Fernhill


Dayboro’s Main Service drew large crowds, with hundreds joining the ANZAC march from the Crown Hotel to the War Memorial at the showgrounds.

Commander Ken Brown of the Royal Australian Navy, who attended Dayboro State School and played for the Dayboro Cowboys, delivered the ANZAC address, telling those gathered the Navy played an important role in Australia’s Defence capabilities.

He said ANZAC Day commemorated the landing of Australian and New Zealand forces at Gallipoli.

Commander Brown said that in a bid to take control of the Straits of the Dardanelles and end the Ottoman Empire’s dominance in the territory during World War I, “thousands of soldiers stormed the beaches, despite thick scrub and waterlogged uniforms”.

“They faced this terrible ordeal with courage, camaraderie and honour,” Commander Brown said.

“They were ordinary Australians and they did extraordinary things.”

Commander Brown spoke of the important role of the Royal Australian Navy during the Gallipoli campaign and other conflicts in the past 100 years.

He said the submarine AE2 was the first Allied submarine to breach the narrow Straits of the Dardanelles into the Sea of Marmara ahead of the ANZACs landing, attacking Ottoman ships headed for the Gallipoli Peninsula.

While it was sunk on April 30, five days after the breach, Commander Brown said naval intervention paved the way for the Allied forces to break the Ottoman stranglehold on the territory.

“The vast majority of Australians who have fought for our nation have been soldiers, however the service of the Airforce and the Navy should also be remembered,” he said.

Story and photos by Jodie Powell

Deception Bay Dawn Service

More than a thousand people gathered at the Deception Bay Community Hall before dawn this morning to pay their respects to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation’s freedom.

The morning began with a march from the Deception Bay Library to the War Memorial in Ewart St at 5.30am, where the crowd then stood shoulder-to-shoulder for the moving service which featured hymns, prayers, a wreath laying ceremony, sounding of the Last Post, The Ode, Rouse, and the singing of the Australian and New Zealand national anthems.

In his ANZAC Day address, Lieutenant Rufael Tsegay of the 1st Signal Regiment thanked those who have served in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping missions, saying they set the benchmark for the next generation of military personnel.

“ANZAC Day is shaped around the historic Gallipoli campaign in the year 1915. This was the day some 16,000 ANZACs were committed to the battlefront alongside British, French and other partners alike in support of the First Australian Imperial Force,” Lieutenant Tsegay said.

“Supporting the larger British Empire campaign, more than 8000 Australians and New Zealanders lost their lives in what would be considered an initial tactical defeat.

“But we do not come together today to purely recite numbers or analyse what was or could have been. We do not come together to talk about conflict, its positives or negatives, or how it has or hasn’t contributed to our greater society.

“We come together to recognise their commitment, their courage and their comradeship that inspired multiple generations to come. We come together because there have, and continue to be, so many men and women who choose to live a life of discipline, restriction and hardship in service of a greater purpose.

“We come together to recognise those who served and fell in both World Wars, conflict in Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam and all efforts of service since then.

“In recent times, new generations of Australians have left our shores to serve in areas like Afghanistan, Timor-Leste, Iraq, Sudan and the South-West Pacific.

“They too served with the same character as the ANZACs.

“This memorial reminds us of those who returned and lived out their lives as hard-working Australians, but it also reminds us of those who this life of service, yet never returned to do so.

“Finally, for those who have served more recently, I would like to recognise the work that you have done, as it not only inspired me, but has taught the lessons and set the precedent for what me and my contemporaries use to better ourselves.”

Deception Bay State High School captain Natasha Tukuaoga said it was up to her generation and those who follow to ensure the ANZAC spirit lives on.

“Today marks 109 years since our ANZAC soldiers arrived at Gallipoli. That day, they were faced with the reality of war and truly understood the sacrifices they would make,” Natasha said.

“They sacrificed their everyday life, their education, careers and interacting with their loved ones.

“But their most significant sacrifice was their lives.

“It is our ongoing duty to uphold the values of courage, commitment and mateship in our community and country by honouring those who sacrificed, and continue to sacrifice, everything we have today.”

Story and photos by Ashleigh Howarth

Redcliffe Dawn Service

Thousands lined Redcliffe Pde, the foreshore and the Redcliffe Jetty for this morning’s Dawn Service, with many even watching from boats anchored offshore.

The service, which is among one of the most popular in South East Queensland, was a chance for veterans and the broader community to come together in the picturesque setting of ANZAC Place, which overlooks Moreton Bay.

It paid tribute to former and current servicemen and women, with the spotlight on those who served in the so-called ‘secret war’ in Indonesia and Malaysia from 1963-66.

Redcliffe RSL president Neville Cullen explained the history of the ‘unofficial’ conflict, which was sparked over Indonesia’s objection to the creation of the Federation of Malaysia. He later laid a wreath on behalf of the Redcliffe community.

Singers from St Benedict’s College Choir, Theo Hunt and Sienna Randall, sang the hymn Abide With Me and the New Zealand national anthem. Jonathon Twartz sang the Australian national anthem.

The catafalque party was comprise of serving members from 20th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squadron. 

Cadets representing the Army, Navy and Air Force cast wreaths into the bay from Coast Guard Redcliffe’s vessel, Redcliffe RSL.

As the Last Post sounded, the sun started to rise, filling the sky with glorious shades of gold, pink and blue.

By Kylie Knight 

Photos: Dominika Lis

Wamuran Dawn Service

Dawn broke over Wamuran with an estimated 1000 people at the town’s 5am ANZAC Day service.

Hosted by Wamuran Progress Association, the ceremony was beamed onto a giant screen behind the memorial.

Phil Lovering, from the association, opened and closed the commemoration with Jade Plaistow the MC.

After the address by Major James of the 12/15 Hunter River Lancers, the Tullawong State High School Captain recited the poem Lest We Forget.

The ceremony finished with the crowd joining Cooper Baird singing We Are Australian.

Story and photos by Nick Crockford

Woodford Dawn Service

Crowds gathered in their hundreds before dawn at Woodford today to pay their respects to the ANZACs.

Woodford Memorial Park was packed with many standing on the road. Organisers said the attendance continued the on-going growth in numbers.

Woodford Sub-Branch RSL President Bob Patterson gave the address and Rev Ken Steer the ANZAC Day Reading and Prayer.

The Last Post and one minute’s silence were observed under a near full moon, lighting the flags.

A march and commemoration will follow later this morning.

Story and photos by Nick Crockford


Crowds lined Moreton Tce and packed the Remembrance Memorial as Beachmere paid tribute to the ANZACs this morning.

Sub-Branch President Chris Dennys welcomed hundreds of residents before students from Beachmere State School sang Amazing Grace.

Dozens of wreaths were laid and one minute’s silence impeccably observed.

An EA-18G Growler from the Royal Australian Air Force flew over the Beachmere ceremony about 7.35am.

By Nick Crockford

Photos of the service by Dominika Lis, parade photos by Nick Crockford

Bribie Island

Bribie Island put on another stunning ANZAC Day parade and commemoration this morning.

Thousands lined the streets to wave and applaud the huge parade.

Everyone from veterans to primary schools joined the procession which took more than 15 minutes to pass each point.

All seats were then taken and as many stood on all sides for the commemoration ceremony.

Major General David Ferguson gave the address and pupils from Banksia Beach Primary, Bribie Island State High and Bribie Island State schools gave the Resolutions.

Story and photos by Nick Crockford


Burpengary turned out in huge numbers for this morning’s parade and commemoration ceremony.
Crowds three and four deep lined Station Rd for one of the largest parades seen, with the area’s schools dominating.
Burpengary Community War Memorial was then ringed 10-12 deep, and more in places, for the service.
All were reminded of mateship and heroism, with the story of John Leak storming a German position singlehanded the highlight. Leak was awarded a Victoria Cross for his bravery in 1916.

Story and photos by Nick Crockford