Mother’s Day: three times the fun

Published 6:00am 12 May 2024

Mother’s Day: three times the fun
Words by Nadia Chapman

One local mum is embracing motherhood with eight-month-old twins and a two-year-old son.

While Kippa-Ring's Sasha Sweeney wasn’t expecting to fall pregnant with twin boys just six months after the birth of her eldest son, she wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I’ve always wanted to be a mum from a young age…” Sasha says.

“When my son Lennox was born, I honestly had a new purpose. He was my whole world and the best thing to ever happen to me.

“Lennox was six months old when I found out I was pregnant again. It was a big shock to be pregnant, let alone when we found out it was twins.

“Now they are almost nine months old and turning two, it’s the greatest watching them play together and get to know each other.

“Lennox is becoming his own personality, which is super sassy and funny and the twins just love getting to know him and play.”

The overwhelming nature of motherhood felt less daunting for Sasha after having twins Keelan and Hamish.

“My husband was doing FIFO work during my first pregnancy, which was really challenging with severe HG and a lot of hospitalisations. I felt really scared about being a mum and so disconnected,” Sasha explains.

Mother’s Day: three times the fun

But the disconnection didn’t last long once her twins were born, and Sasha decided to join Multiple Birth Association Northside.

“It’s a tight-knit community. I think it makes you feel less alone knowing there are others going through it.

“I have lots of friends who had babies at the same time as I had Lennox, but it’s really hard to ask them for advice when no one knows what it’s like to have two babies with the same needs at the same time as another mum with twins.

“That’s been really big for me; wanting to seek out other twin mums because it’s more relatable at the moment with so many children.

“Being a mum makes me want to be the best version of myself and to give them everything I can.

“I lost my dad six months ago suddenly and I’m constantly remembering great memories from my childhood and how I grew up with such love.

“This is what I want to provide for them; a safe haven with the best community around them and other twin friends hopefully.”

When asked what advice she would give to new twin mums, Sasha says: “…The days are long, and the weeks are short, it just goes so quickly. Remember, everything is temporary, even when it seems so hard, and you wonder how you’ll get through it. You were made to be a twin Mumma, and you’ll get through it even stronger…”


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