Mystery over a magical addition to Deception Bay

Published 2:38pm 9 July 2020

Mystery over a magical addition to Deception Bay
Words by Nick Crockford

As if by magic, Fairy Way has officially become part of the Moreton Bay Region.

Seemingly without warning, a sign has been put up in Deception Bay marking the Fairy Way of Moreton Bay Community Rocks. The area was created last year and named by the Rocks group but, there had been no official recognition of the title until a surprise arrival on July 8.

However, a magical mystery remains … who installed the sign?

“I’m in shock,” said Nat Poole, who founded Moreton Bay Community Rocks with Hope Dobson and Crystal Fry, about a year ago.

“Every time it (the sign) is mentioned I get goose bumps. It was a complete surprise. Someone just spotted the sign. I can’t believe it.

“We love what we do and love the area. It seems magical, so we called it Fairy Way.

“We took Sandra Ruck (Councillor Division 5) down there about six weeks ago. She seemed to like it but we weren’t asking for a sign.”

Cr Ruck appears equally surprised. She said a tourist sign for Fairy Way was suggested in a meeting, but she did not push for one to be put up.

“It is becoming so popular as a tourist destination for children,” Cr Ruck says, “even the local State and Federal members have visited there - and it’s on GoogleMaps!”

About Moreton Bay Community Rocks

Moreton Bay Community Rocks started with just a handful of people decorating and placing rocks in the area on Esplanade South, Deception Bay.

Other visitors would bring their decorated rocks and swap them. Numbers quickly grew when a Facebook group and website were launched.

Facebook members now top 2400 and Fairy Way attracts many visitors including those from kindergartens and holiday vacation groups.

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