Never too early, never too late

Published 3:00pm 26 March 2021

Never too early, never too late
Words by Nick Crockford

A 45-year-old Biomedical Science student who “always wanted to go to university” has been joined on USC’s Moreton Bay campus this year by her 16-year-old daughter.

Sarah Bette-Bennett, of Warner, is delighted daughter Elise has enrolled in Headstart, a program that enables Year 11 and 12 students to complete USC subjects to gain credit towards a degree.

Elise is no stranger to the USC campus – at age 10 she appeared on the front page of a local paper after she was chosen to help celebrate the council’s land purchase at Petrie in 2015.

Never too early, never too late

'It was brilliant'

“Elise has enrolled in a Justice course through Headstart. She wants to experience the university life that will be waiting for her after she graduates high school,” Sarah says.

“I’d attended a Headstart information night in 2019 and thought it was brilliant. I talked to my daughter about how beneficial it would be if she wanted to go to university.”

Elise said she was enjoying her first lectures and exploring the campus.

“It is full-on doing school and uni and my other commitments, but I like the pressure,” she says. “I’ve already made a friend, too, when we sat near each other.”

Sarah also participated in a USC introductory program, TPP (Tertiary Preparation Pathway).

Never too early, never too late

Learning medicine

“I never had an opportunity to attend university after high school in France and over the years I’ve studied for certificates or worked in industries as different as fashion design, business, legal practice, paramedicine and volunteering in schools,” Sarah said.

“When I started TPP, my aim was to study education to be a teacher. But the courses I took in academic skills, biology and chemistry made me realise that maybe I have a chance at learning medicine.

“Biomedical Science is full-on and really good. We’re catching up on lab work we couldn’t do last year with COVID restrictions.

“Ideally, I’d like to work in a lab, in epidemiology. I’m interested in viruses and genetics.”

Parents of students in Years 10-12 can register for an online USC Headstart Information Evening on today (March 23) 5.30-6.30pm via Zoom.


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