New after-hours GP service for Bribie

Published 4:29pm 3 September 2020

Words by Nick Crockford

Bribie Island residents will have access to additional medical care thanks a new three-year trial of after-hours primary care announced by Federal Member for Longman Terry Young.

Mr Young says the Federal Government is providing $500,000 to deliver the much-needed service which will be rolled out in January 2021.

It will be delivered by current GPs with the local provider, of this new service on Bribie, to be decided through a tender process.

Better service

“For years, residents on the island have been calling for better access to medical services and I am delighted to announce this trial program,” he says.

“Currently, Bribie Island locals don’t have an established after-hours health care service available through their GPs or medical deputising arrangements.

“With this investment, patients won’t have to travel 20km to Caboolture Hospital for care outside normal office hours but will have access to a GP right here on Bribie Island.”

Funding boost

The Federal Government will provide $500,000 to the Brisbane North Primary Health Network to codesign and develop the service with input from stakeholders.

“When I speak with residents here, after hours health care is a big issue and we are very pleased to hear this announcement,” says State LNP Candidate for Pumicestone Fiona Gaske.

Gillian Adams, who lives on the island, says: “I think Bribie residents will be delighted to have this service, especially people like myself who are a bit older and probably need it more than most.”

There’s more news here

Image caption: State LNP Candidate for Pumicestone Fiona Gaske, Bribie residents Gillian and Roger Adams and Federal Member for Longman Terry Young discussing the new after-hours medical care service for Bribie Island.


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