New art gallery to showcase students’ creativity

Published 2:00pm 29 August 2023

New art gallery to showcase students’ creativity
Words by Ashleigh Howarth

Talented art students from Bray Park State High School now have a new space to show off their work to the wider community with the school opening its own art gallery.

Known as The Mango Tree Gallery, its name pays tribute to the century-old mango tree which was planted at the site on farmland well before the school was established in 1987.

After many years in the making, Bray Park State High School Principal says he is pleased to see the art gallery now open.

“This art gallery has been a few years in the making and was spearheaded by Jackie Healion, one of our art teachers,” Peter says.

“We used to display artwork in the hall foyer and in the administration building, but Jackie asked for a more permanent space to display the work made by our students.

“The gallery is located at the end of our art block where we have repurposed an old photography room.

“We have done quite a lot of work to make that room a beautiful space with professional hanging and lights to make it really inviting for the students and their families.”

Jackie, who has been teaching at the school for 26 years, says pieces in the gallery will change regularly to ensure lots of different pieces will be on display.

“The great thing about this gallery is it’s a really clean and contemporary space – one that would suit any kind of work you put in it,” Jackie says.

“We have some extremely talented students here at Bray Park who are very creative and industrious and doing all sorts of wonderful things, so it is great to highlight that and give them some recognition, especially our senior students.

“The gallery is only new, but in time we look forward to having open nights and exhibitions so parents can come through and look at all the artworks.”

To see more photos, click through the gallery below. 

School captain ‘proud’ to share her work

Bray Park State High School captain Sarah Hanson is one student who currently has her artwork on display in The Mango Tree Gallery.

The Year 12 student, who dreams of becoming an art teacher herself, has based her work on climate change.

“I was exploring climate change, so looking at the impact of urbanisation as a contributing factor to the issue,” Sarah says.

“For my visual arts course I am doing now, the stimulus was Brisbane City, so all of our artworks have been in response to that stimulus, and each time I have explored different issues and ideas related to our time.

“I wanted to artworks to be interactive, so getting the audience to participate, engage and learn about what I am communicating with them.

“It’s been a really fun process and I have loved trying out different mixed media and textured.

“It makes me feel really proud to have my artwork in the gallery, and my family and friends have loved coming in and looking around the space.

“It’s really great to have our own art gallery at the school because it is means every student has the chance to showcase their work and connect with other like-minded people.”


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