Newport Neighbourhood Watch celebrates new signs

Published 10:00am 3 January 2021

Newport Neighbourhood Watch celebrates new signs
Words by Jodie Powell

Newport Waterside Neighbourhood Watch is celebrating the installation of official Neighbourhood Watch signs.

Area co-ordinator Jay Peters says the signs, installed by Moreton Bay Regional Council, will serve several purposes.

“They will let residents know we have an active Neighbourhood Watch program in the area and create a sense of safety and security,” he says.

“They will also let would-be thieves know we have an active program and hopefully make them think twice about targeting homes and cars.”

Community involved

Jay says the group has grown from strength to strength since its inception earlier this year.

“We started it because there had been a series of incidents in the Newport estate and we wanted to help police look after our community,” Jay says.

He says the group’s aim was to create a strong community that looked after each other.

Working with police

“We are not the police and while we work closely with the police when called upon, we are not in charge of law enforcement or crime prevention.”

The group provides crime prevention tips and alerts members to common issues through its private Facebook page, as well as staging community events and fundraisers to help pay for the cost of printing and distributing newsletters.

“Through coming together as a community we form stronger bonds with those who live around us, helping to create a sense of belonging and security within our neighbourhood,” Jay says.

Plans for Scarborough

Moreton District Crime Prevention Unit officer in charge Sergeant Sarah Grayson says Neighbourhood Watch groups have an important role to play in the community.

She says Moreton police are hoping to establish a new group at Scarborough in 2021.

If you’d like to know more, email Sgt Grayson at [email protected]


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