Opening up 1400 new students

Published 2:00pm 1 March 2021

Opening up 1400 new students
Words by Nick Crockford

More than 1400 new students were welcome to Queensland’s newest university campus last week as part of Orientation activities at USC Moreton Bay.

The new students attended program information sessions, tours and workshops, and enjoyed live music and market stalls on February 24-25.

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) Professor Joanne Scott said Orientation was an opportunity for students to meet their lecturers and tutors, get help with timetables and subject selection and find out essential information about study programs.

Support services

They also learned about the services and support that USC offers, met other first-year students and discovered the sporting, social and cultural groups.

“Orientation also includes a series of workshops which cover study skills and important academic fundamentals to help students enhance their learning,” says Vice-Chancellor Scott.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Helen Bartlett said the Petrie campus was going from strength to strength, helping USC become the university of choice for Moreton Bay Region residents.

“The plan was for Moreton Bay to have 2400 enrolments this year and it has already reached 3000,” Professor Bartlett says.

Top choice

Professor Bartlett said after one year of the Moreton Bay campus, USC has the highest market share of QTAC first preferences for the fast-growing region.

“USC recently became the university of choice for first preferences in Moreton Bay, and it’s a sign of things to come as people in the regions embrace the opportunity to study closer to home,” she says.

By 2030, USC Moreton Bay is expected to be equal in size to the USC Sunshine Coast campus, with 10,000 students enrolled and more than 100 degrees on offer.

This year, the most sought-after degrees at USC Moreton Bay are Nursing Science, Biomedical Science, Social Work, Primary Education, Criminology and Justice, and Psychology.

There is still time to apply to study at USC in Semester 1. For details, go to

There’s more news here


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