Padres ‘absolutely surprised’ by numbers

Published 9:30am 4 October 2020

Padres ‘absolutely surprised’ by numbers
Words by Nick Crockford

Redcliffe Padres have called a halt to their recruitment after reaching an “unbelievable” 60 women players for the new season.

Such has been the response to a call for women players, that Padres will field five teams this season and cannot cater for more.

“We’re absolutely surprised,” said Kate West, Padres’ Social and News Media Co-ordinator, who has been playing with the club for 20 years.

“I used to know everyone playing here, but now …. having 60 women playing is unbelievable. We have really seemed to have tapped into this.

“This year Padres were at the point of having four women’s teams so we put out a final call for players on social media.

“We ended up with five teams and had to close the books as we couldn’t guarantee coaches and scorers for more teams.

“Six women just showed up at training, they lived nearby and had seen the post.”

Teaming up

Padres’ teams will be among 21 in the Greater Brisbane League women’s competition, held over 10 weeks from October 10 and possibly split into north and south sections.

“The comp started three seasons ago with two teams from Padres and one each from two other clubs,” said Kate, “we had a heap of fun and it has skyrocketed from there.

“It’s a social competition which takes the fear factor out of it. We want to win because that’s fun, but not at all costs. It’s about enjoying playing.

“Our youngest player is 15 and we have women in their late 50s. It’s a great opportunity for mums and daughters to play together.”

Padres’ women’s teams train at Talobilla Park, Kippa-Ring on Sundays 2pm and Tuesdays 7pm.

There’s more news here


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