Prepare properties for wet weather

Published 1:23pm 11 December 2020

Prepare properties for wet weather
Words by Kylie Knight

Moreton Bay SES Unit acting Controller Alan Peterson is urging residents to prepare their properties for heavy rain and strong winds ahead of the weekend. His warning comes as council prepares to open sandbag stations tomorrow.

The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting a “significant weather event” this weekend, with 4-6m waves, 100mm of rain on Sunday and gale force winds possible.

Bureau of Meteorology meteorologist James Thompson says on Saturday, we can expect normal showers with up to 10-20mm, but things will ramp up on Sunday and Monday, with heavy falls and strong winds likely to cause flash flooding and coastal erosion.

He says 100mm is possible per day from Sunday into early next week. Rain totals could be higher in some areas.

The bureau is forecasting waves between 4-6m from late Sunday until Monday with gale force winds resulting in very rough conditions offshore and at beaches.

Mr Peterson says residents can prepare by clearing gutters and clearing properties of items that could become projectiles in strong winds.

SES groups across the region are ready, many are still answering calls for assistance at Bribie Island and Ningi after Monday’s storms.

“But we’re making sure members have their equipment ready to go. This is what we do and we’ve been prepared for this for the last couple of months ahead of the season,” Mr Peterson says.

Sign up to MoretonAlert to receive warnings.

Sandbag stations will open tomorrow so residents in low-lying areas can prepare their properties. Visit

If you need assistance from the SES, phone 132 500.

Moreton Bay Regional Council’s checklist for preparing your property

  • keep gutters, downpipes and drains clear
  • remove tree branches overhanging or close to your home
  • identify loose objects in your yard and on your balcony, such as outdoor furniture and toys that should be put away or secured
  • ensure your home, contents and car insurance is adequate and current
  • check your household's flood risk using council's free flood check report
  • identify the safest room in which to shelter during a storm
  • learn how to safely turn off your power, water and gas
  • prepare an Emergency Plan for your pets and ensure that they are registered and microchipped for easy identification. Ensure your Emergency Plan includes livestock
  • prepare an Emergency Kit containing a first aid kit, drinking water, torches, canned food and pet needs that you can access at a moment's notice
  • get to know your neighbours - having someone close by to call on during times of need or to borrow resources such as a ladder can be helpful
  • sign up to MoretonAlert to receive free severe weather alerts and warnings.

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