Protect garage remote controls

Published 3:52pm 3 November 2020

Protect garage remote controls
Words by Jodie Powell

Police are urging motorists to remove garage remote controls from vehicles.

Senior Constable Jo Arthur from the Moreton Bay Crime Prevention Unit says sneaky thieves frequently break into cars to steal the remote controls, then use them to access homes.

Thieves sneak in

She says there are instances where thieves enter houses while residents are sleeping and do not hear their roller-door go up.

“If you have a remote control in a car that is not garaged, then we urge you to remove it when you go inside,” Sen-Constable Arthur says.

Personal information

“If you have a tendency to leave your remote in your vehicle while it is not parked at your house, you also run the risk of offenders stealing the remote and locating personal details in your vehicle to find your address.”

Sen-Constable Arthur says one family discovered thieves had accessed their house on October 26 after their remote control was stolen from their car while it was parked at a train station.

“Investigations suggest that the address of the family was obtained from personal documents in the car,” she says.

She encourages people to attach remotes to their keyring to ensure they remove it when they exit the vehicle.

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