
Reality check for welding students

School students have been given hands-on welding experience using the latest 3D reality welding simulators at TAFE Queensland’s Caboolture campus.

The training session was organised by TAFE Queensland’s Engineering and Manufacturing team and Weld Australia to provide students with an insight into a career in modern-day welding.

Students from Caboolture State High School, Tullawong State High School, St Columban's College, and Horizons College were all taught how to use the hi-tech simulators, which help perfect welding skills in a virtual environment before going into a live workshop.

Brea Zerafa, from Horizons College, says the best part was being able to complete the welding and view her score straight away.

“The welding was easier than it looks, but you do need to have good balance,” Brea says.

Weld Australia Regional Training Coordinator Adam Corey and TAFE Queensland Engineering teacher Clayton Dunn provided training tips and a score board was used to tally the results.

Fast learners

Federal Member for Longman Terry Young says he was impressed by the enthusiasm and skill of the students.

“It was great to watch the school kids try their hand at augmented reality welding,” he says.

“They were all really amazed by the new technology and it was very impressive to see how quickly their skill level improved throughout the session. Gone are the days when welding was seen as a male-dominated trade. The female students showed a great deal of interest in welding studies and were among the highest scores.

“The opportunities for young people in the welding industry are huge and we definitely saw some surprised faces when the kids learnt top earners were more than $200,000 a year.”

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