Region’s newest health hub coming to Deception Bay

Published 1:40pm 23 July 2020

Region’s newest health hub coming to Deception Bay
Words by Nick Crockford

A new health care hub, which will include an indoor swimming pool, will be built at Deception Bay.

Moreton Bay Regional Council has approved the development to be will be built beside an approved childcare centre on the corner of Old Bay Rd and Thompson St.

“The synergies between these two projects and their location to each other will provide the community with a range of healthcare services otherwise lacking in the area,” Mayor Peter Flannery says.

“It’s proposed for this new precinct to become a one-stop-shop for all your healthcare needs including dentistry, physiotherapy and a GP clinic. Deception Bay is a growing residential area and council needs to ensure growth is catered for by allowing developments which will serve the needs of the community for years.”

Perfect timing

The Mayor says COVID-19 is a timely reminder of how important it is to take care of health and wellbeing.

He also welcomes investment by developers who see the investment potential of this region and areas like Deception Bay.

“In an economic sense, this is exactly the kind of investment and business confidence our region needs to start recovering from the broader impacts of the COVID pandemic,” the Mayor says.

“Especially because of the construction and ongoing jobs this project will generate once businesses and retailers are up and running in the new precinct.

“I’m particularly happy that this will support jobs in Deception Bay, which has a higher unemployment rate than other areas of our region, because it could start to build momentum that will hopefully attract further investment into our region.”

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