Rock legends join Mighty effort

Published 11:09am 23 October 2020

Rock legends join Mighty effort
Words by Kylie Knight

Aussie rock legends Hoodoo Gurus didn’t hesitate when Rockin 4 the Homeless put out a call for tracks for an album that will replace this year’s live shows.

Since their debut as Le Hoodoo Gurus at the start of the 1980s, the band has produced a back catalogue spanning more than 35 years, with Australian rock classics including What’s My Scene, Miss Freelove ’69 and Come Anytime.

They’ve unearthed a previously unreleased single, Mighty Clean, for the album, which will be called Rockin 4 the Homeless 2020: Greatest Hitters 2013-2020.

It was a song recorded when drummer Mark Kingsmill was with the band. He joined in 1984 and left about three years ago.

Song from the vault

“It was the last track with him playing on drums that no-one had heard. He retired and had his fill of rock’n’roll and touring,” Dave Faulkner explains.

“I couldn’t think of a better place for it. It’s a song that needs to be heard.”

The Hoodoo Gurus frontman said when recording an album bands often recorded too many songs or changed their minds about which would work best together.

Some slipped through the cracks and were rediscovered later to become hits.

He hopes that’s the case for Mighty Clean.

“It’s about someone who has had a tough day at work, is hard done-by … the boss driving them hard. They’re letting steam off, on the weekend, looking for excitement,” Dave says.

Letting off steam

Given the restrictions everyone has faced in the past six months, Dave says most people are keen to let off some steam. Mighty Clean gives them the chance to do just that.

“It’s kind of rockin,” he says.

“Let’s get out and raise hell, in a good way. We’ve got to let off steam built up at this time. We need somewhere to release it.

“I think fans will like this song and they will like what this song is for. It’s a win-win.

“We haven’t played since January, so it’s been a long time between drinks for us. We’re making plans to do something in the near future.”

Plan for the future

And Dave is keen to talk to Rockin’ 4 the Homeless director Dan Nebe about performing at a future charity gig.

“Guitarist Brad (Shepherd) and I performed for Rockin 4 the Homeless in 2018. It was great. They raised a lot of money and it was great to see the money go into the right hands and not be spent on expenses,” Dave says.

“We were very impressed by what The Breakfast Club is all about and what Dan’s doing there. It’s giving disadvantaged people a place and support and nourishment.”

Dave says the social connection it offers is equally important.

“This world is getting colder and more hostile for the less fortunate and groups like The Breakfast Club are reversing that … we need more of that, not less,” he says.

December release

Rockin 4 the Homeless 2020: Greatest Hitters 2013-2020 will be available in December and features 30 tracks from headline acts as well as local artists who have supported the event from the beginning.

These include The Superjesus, Salt & Steel, Team Utopia, Killtoys, The Gastons, Union Radio, Diana Anaid and many more.

Rockin 4 the Homeless director Dan Nebe says: “I can’t think of a better way to replace the live show than release an album from past artists”.

For updates, follow Rockin 4 the Homeless on Facebook.

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