Setting sail to remember DMC

Published 6:15pm 18 August 2020

Setting sail to remember DMC
Words by Nick Crockford

A fleet of boats will next week cast off from Scarborough to honour David Mason-Cox, a long-serving member of Moreton Bay Boat Club (MBBC).

David, known as DMC, died of a heart attack late last year on his boat the Pintail, just 17 days after moving down to Hobart where he had bought a house.

Moreton Bay Boat Club’s plans for an open invitational race in DMC’s memory were hit first by the weather last November and then COVID-19 earlier this year.

But the DMC Memorial Cup race will now be held on Sunday August 30, from 11am-5pm and will go close to Redcliffe Jetty.

The event is to “commemorate the outstanding volunteer work by DMC in support of MBBC and the sailing section in particular”.

Setting sail to remember DMC

Sadly missed

“David was involved in everything, every facet of the club. He was pretty high profile around here,” says Greg Hamilton, twice commodore at Moreton Bay Boat Club.

“He was a powerboatie and had a sailing boat, but it never sailed. He was treasurer for three years the first time I was commodore and secretary the second time.

“We all miss his presence around the club. He wasn’t tall, but used to walk in and with that deep voice say “how are going?”

John Smuck, a former club director, says “everyone knew him. If you said David Mason-Cox people would say who? But say DMC and they knew who you were talking about.

“He liked to be called on. If he could help you, he would. That was just his nature. When we needed a radio man there he was. He loved it.”

Setting sail to remember DMC

Happy to help

DMC was a member of Moreton Bay Boat Club for more than 25 years. He helped with everything from junior sailing to sponsoring events.

He was well-travelled and at one time worked on a Russian cruise ship based out of Western Australia. He also worked in finance and in 1995 started Sunshine Boat Sales at Newport.

Four members of Moreton Bay Boat Club travelled to the funeral at The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania in Sandy Bay, last December.

There’s more news here


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