Splash of Colour on show

Published 7:31am 18 November 2020

Splash of Colour on show
Words by Jodie Powell

Image Credit: Cecily Slade 

Cecily Slade, Catherine Hamilton-Jones and Lin Stanton are showing their works in their latest exhibition, Colour, after a six-month delay due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Slade says her works focus on beautiful blooms because flowers make her heart sing and she is attracted to the intricate beauty found in the fine details of nature.

“I work from living flowers and their intrinsic forms and my aim is to breathe life into the works,” she says.

“Viewers are invited to sink into the work like a meditation and open their heart to the beauty and life energy within the bloom.”

Each work is created from many layers of transparent oil paint, each adding luminosity to the work, Slade says.

“Strong contrasts, vibrant pure transparent colour, intense detail and nuances of tone and light are a strong feature of my work.”

Splash of Colour on show
Image Credit: Lin Stanton

Capturing the light

The works of Catherine Hamilton Jones aim to capture the unique light, contrasts and striking colour combinations found in Australian landscapes and coastlines.

Hamilton Jones creates art that triggers a feeling of recognition or connection, and provides a sense of enjoyment and an escape for the viewer.

Splash of Colour on show
Image Credit: Catherine Hamilton

Clever use of colour

Lin Stanton’s work as an intuitive abstractionist is described as a feast of complexity, cleverly using colour to portray a lifetime’s experience.

The exhibition features original works for sale, as well as a large collection of reproductions to buy.

Colour is on at the Redcliffe Art Society and Old Fire Station Gallery, 395 Oxley Ave, Redcliffe, Wednesday-Sunday, 10am-3pm until December 6. Find out more here.

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