Spring selling real estate spotlight on Moreton Bay Region

Published 11:00am 1 September 2022

Spring selling real estate spotlight on Moreton Bay Region
Words by Kylie Knight

It’s the first day of spring and the start of what has traditionally been the best time to sell a house.

Richardson & Wrench Caboolture Principal Scott Lachmund says the real estate market in the Moreton Bay Region, particularly the greater Caboolture district, is shielded to factors affecting other areas and he’s optimistic about the months ahead.

“There’s been a lot of media noise, but I always say that Moreton Bay Region is insulated from a lot of that media and what’s happening in southern areas of Australia,” Scott says.

“Moreton Bay and particularly Caboolture region, Bellmere and surrounding suburbs … there’s still very much affordability for families and there’s also still very strong returns available for investors because we still have a very high rental demand in these family pockets where there are the fundamentals of being close to transport, schools and shops.

“I think that’s what keeps attracting people to this specific area.

|“We remain confident in the real estate market being active, there are less buyers than maybe a few months ago when we were boiling, but there are still active buyers in the market who are looking for good value, good locations and at the end of the day a good transaction and good transition into the area.”|

Scott says spring has traditionally been a strong season for selling, with warmer weather, new growth in gardens and the perception it is the season for fresh starts.

It’s also the season for spring cleaning and the chance to get your property into tip-top shape before you list it with an agent.

Spring selling real estate spotlight on Moreton Bay Region

Points to consider

Scott says sellers should remember the three Ps when selling their home.

“The three Ps are position, presentation and price. Position is location - if you’re in a good location, position is number one. Then there’s presentation, the way that the property is presented; and price,” he says.

“If your house is on the market for a longer period of time, you’re in a good location and it’s presented well, there’s obviously one problem and that’s the price.

“In this changing market, be guided by your agent on where your pricing sits so you can remain competitive with other properties in your neighbourhood.”

So, when it comes to pricing, what should sellers and buyers expect?

“As a seller, I would stop fishing for a price. There’s ‘inviting all offers’ or ‘expressions of interest’, or ‘offers over a certain price’ marketing. I truly believe, in a changing market, we need to be transparent on a price guide and what that property’s offering – if it is ready for an owner-occupier or if it is tenanted on a longer lease. Sometimes, that’s becoming a frustration for people wanting to buy and live in a property and who then realise that it is tenanted.

“I’d say transparency is to trust your agent’s advice on pricing, stop fishing for a ridiculous over-market price, have a conservative approach about what you’re trying to achieve with your property.”

Spring selling real estate spotlight on Moreton Bay Region

Tips to prepare your property for sale

Scott says you don’t need to engage an interior designer to ‘stage’ your home for sale because there are many small things you can do yourself to present your home in the best light.

“I think these days it’s all about cleanliness and presentation. You could have an older style home, but it can still be clean and presented well and well-maintained.

“If it’s an older property, you can still do general maintenance on broken fly screens or little things that people might not consider such as high-pressure cleaning, and cleaning cupboards, walls, around light switches … all those things we put off week-to-week.”

Scott says it’s also the perfect time of year to refresh garden beds, prune trees and bushes, clean pathways, service pools, clean windows and tracks, clean gutters and wash the exterior of your home to remove mould and dirt that has built up during a wet winter.

The property he showed Moreton Daily at 16 Sittella St, Bellmere, is a good example of how to present a home for sale. The three-bedroom family home is neat, tidy and clutter-free with well-kept gardens, pool and outdoor spaces. It is listed at $649,000.

Spring selling real estate spotlight on Moreton Bay Region

Simple tips that can make a big difference

“Make sure your property is well-lit for open homes and even if it in the middle of the day we still encourage to put lights on throughout the property,” Scott says.

“We’re conservative on having too many candles lit during an open home because people may be sensitive to different smells and scents.

|“The baking is still an old favourite. Nothing can beat a fresh batch of muffins and even the old percolated coffee smell. Whether or not the agent eats those muffins or the attendees … it’s no myth, it’s still a trade secret to have nice smells throughout the home just not too overpowering.” |

Before an open home, sellers should clean surfaces, put dishes away and make beds with fresh linen. These little measures will help make a good first-impression.

“What would appear to be obvious, some people don’t do,” he says.

“Reduce clutter – less is best on most occasions and it also opens up those surfaces that people can inspect if there are repairs or maintenance required, rather than hiding them behind a large lounge chair or something else.

“You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to have an interior designer come into your home. There’s options now with some of the shops – Kmart, Target have pretty good homewares and accessories at affordable prices that you could always dress up a room with a candle or a photo frame, a hanging print.

“As much as we push that spring is the season for selling, we’re in a real estate climate now that people are still buying and selling homes every day, every week, every calendar month of the year.

“It was always a tradition that spring was a stepping stone as a restart and a refresh. In our Moreton Bay Region market the best time to buy real estate is yesterday, but if you’re considering selling definitely follow some of these spring cleaning tips and tricks to maximise the value of your home and to really put your presentation above the crowd with those first impressions.”

Embracing R U OK? Day

The team will host an R U OK? Day morning tea on September 8, which will serve as an open conversation in a safe environment where the avenues for support will be explained.

“Everyone is going through something and we just wanted everyone to be aware that it’s OK to have days that you’re not OK and you can reach out if you need to,” Richardson & Wrench Marketing Manager Jessica Chaidee says.

“We have such a strong support network within the business – it’s a family, we’re all a family.”

Scott says embracing R U OK? Day was part of the businesses culture.

“We do external mastermind training about our emotions, feelings and being better human beings. It’s probably a day on the calendar that we can bring those conversations forward and reach out to family and friends and ask them are they OK?” he explains.

“We’re not the experts in trying to help them, but we can certainly guide them with resources that we’re exposed to and shine a light on mental health.

“It’s just part of our continued support of the community and those around us to shine a light on different causes and let them know that Richardson & Wrench is a safe place if anyone ever needs to disclose something to us.”

The event is open to the Richardson & Wrench team, but also clients, tenants and others associated with the business.


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