Step back in time at Caboolture Historical Village

Published 5:30am 8 May 2019

Step back in time at Caboolture Historical Village
Words by Kylie Knight

If history is your thing, a morning at the Caboolture Historical Village offers an insight into what life was like last century in the Caboolture district.

Set on 12 acres, the village is home to 140,000 artefacts and 75 buildings. All of the artefacts on show were donated and moved to the Hisotrical Village from the Caboolture and Woodford area.

David Black, volunteer and management committee member, says the buildings include many shop buildings, houses, the original police station, railway station, council chambers and original post office. “Some have had chequered lives,” Dave says.

“We keep them how people would have lived in them. They’re not pristine, but how people would have lived in them.”

The village is also home to a number of replica buildings that have been created in the style of similar buildings of the era, including a hotel.

Built in the early 1900s, Caboolture's first hospital building, pictured above, was first opened as a hospital by Dr Arthur Crawford in 1920. Before it was opened as a hospital it was a private residence. Many visitors have personal links to the building, making it a favourite with visitors.

“It was used until 1938. There’s quite a few of the older townsfolk who were born in that hospital,” Dave explains.

The hospital was located at 86 King St Caboolture and was known as the Riverview Private Hospital. In the 1930s the building was moved to Burpengary and once again used as a private residence.

“I look at it that we are the custodians of this. We’re keeping it for people in the future,”

Step back in time at Caboolture Historical Village

The village wouldn't be able to run without it's wonderful team of 140 volunteers who do everything from restoring furniture, hosting tours, painting, gardening and administration.

Each year the group hosts over 10,000 school children on tours of the historical village. They get to experience so much - from sitting in a single room school, meeting bush rangers and making butter.

Step back in time at Caboolture Historical Village

Besides the Abbey Museum, Dave says the village is the top tourist destination in the area. Caboolture is very lucky to have the two museums, each which shine a light on two different historical periods.

“The more things people can see in the area, the better and it’s an opportunity for them to get to know the area,” he says.

Caboolture Historical Village is at 280 Beerburrum Rd, Caboolture. Visit


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