Support young entrepreneurs’ carwash
Published 8:04am 18 August 2022
Students from Caboolture’s Alta-1 College are running a carwash on Friday as part of a Creating Your Future Job Moreton Bay program.
They are raising money to generate ‘seed funding’, so they can kickstart their own business ventures.
The carwash will be held at Destiny Church Carpark, 94 Parish Rd, Caboolture, on Friday, August 19 from 8.30am-2.30pm. Large cars $15, small cars $10, dogs $5.
Creating Your Future Job is a seven-week online program delivered by the Australian School of Employment (ASE), to provide young people with the skills, resources and mindset they need to start their own business.
During this supported and intensive program, students will identify local problems and brainstorm micro-business solutions.
The target demographic is 15 to 24-year old students, more specifically students in Years 10, 11 or 12 who are at risk or have disengaged from mainstream schooling.
More than 90,000 young Australians have taken part in ASE programs, with a 54 per cent self-employment outcome.
Moreton Bay Regional Council has invested in the program as part of its commitment to youth innovation and entrepreneurship in keeping with its Regional Economic Development Strategy.
It’s part of a suite of programs supporting youth across the region including the Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Awards, Gov Hack and Startup Weekend.
“The outcomes are to ensure youth from across our region from which ever background or circumstance have access to contemporary information, skills and networks to support their entrepreneurial endeavours,” a spokeswoman said.
“Skills development, networks and opportunities on the topics of innovation and entrepreneurship are fundamental to social and economic prosperity.”
Schools and agencies supporting youth can contact ASE to express their interest in running the program at no cost to them. To express an interest, visit the website
The program is running this year and next year, and Council has a commitment to support 100 youth during this period.
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