'Voices' heard in highway battle

Published 5:00pm 14 February 2024

'Voices' heard in highway battle
Words by Nick Crockford

Pictured: Andrew Powell, left, handing petitions to Laurie Neil, Clerk of the Queensland Parliament, on behalf of campaigners. Picture: Facebook.

More than 10,000 “voices” have formally joined the campaign against proposed routes for the Bruce Highway Western Alternative (BHWA) through Elimbah, Caboolture East and Moodlu.

Andrew Powell, State Member for Glass House, last night tabled a petition with 6235 signatures and an e-petition of 4566 signatures in the Queensland Parliament.

There were also 510 written submissions protesting at Transport and Main Roads’ (TMR) options, released late last year, for Stage 4 of the BHWA.

The proposed route would impact 140 homes and farms and “fracture our once vibrant community beyond recognition”, Mr Powell said, in the day's Record of Proceedings.

The northern section of the proposed route for Stage 4 of the BHWA

He said “voices” are raised “not in opposition to progress, but in defence of their homes, their farms, our environment and our heritage”.

“The recent consultation process dropped on us weeks out from Christmas and scheduled during the holiday season has left communities I have the honour of representing – and neighbouring communities – feeling marginalised and distrustful.”

Mr Powell said, in the community’s words, “the land in question is not merely geography; it is the source of our collective history” and to “pave over this heritage with asphalt is to erase a part of ourselves – a part that cannot be replaced or rebuilt”.

He urged planners to consider alternative routes “that have smaller impacts”. During the public campaign this were identified as being further west of Elimbah.

Last week Jason Smith, one of the co-ordinators of the Objection to current Bruce Highway alternative – Stage 4 route option, said: “It’s all about minimising impact. The proposed routes do none of that.”

TMR said last month: “Once consultation closes, all feedback will be carefully considered before advancing further technical investigations to determine a preferred corridor alignment, including consideration of alternate corridor alignments.

“TMR would like to assure the community that no decision has been made on a preferred alignment for Stage 4 and corridor options presented are subject to change. Property impacts are not known at this time.”

The 50kms BHWA will run from Beerburrum and Bald Hills. Stages 1 (Moodlu to Moorina) and 2 (Moorina to Narangba) are planned and 22kms of land protected for the future road.

Stage 3, from Narangba to Bald Hills, is currently being planned and early feedback accepted.

The Bruce Highway Western Alternative will, when complete, be 50kms long.


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