Volunteers needed to join squad

Published 10:00am 3 November 2020

Volunteers needed to join squad
Words by Kylie Knight

Moreton police district is looking for more volunteers to join its ranks, but not in the capacity many might expect.

It’s looking for VIPs – Volunteers in Policing – to support the work officers do and work with the community to reduce crime.

They assist with the processing of domestic violence cases at Redcliffe Court House on Tuesdays, attend community events, share crime prevention tips with residents, visit aged care facilities, and raise awareness of road safety, compliance and much more.

What the volunteers think

It is a role Ruth Kean and Bruce Wonders have enjoyed for about two years.

For Bruce, it gave him something to sink his teeth into and the chance to meet new people after retiring and moving to the Redcliffe peninsula.

He was sold on becoming a VIP after chatting with Sergeant Sarah Grayson at a Crime Stoppers meeting.

It’s a perfect fit for the former New South Wales police officer, whose son is still in the service in Sydney.

“As a retired person in a new area, it was a good way to associate with likeminded people because of my background and the camaraderie that comes with working with a team,” he says.

“I enjoy the camaraderie. If anyone joins thinking they’re going to be involved in policing, they’re not. It’s totally different to that.”

Ruth, a former theatre nurse who also has a background in administration and management, joined after attending a Coffee with a Cop event, where she met Sgt Grayson and senior police liaison Raro Tevita.

“I enjoy just getting to do different things and meet new people all the time,” she says.

“It’s varied, there’s lots of things to do and get involved in.”

Your chance to get involved

Sergeant Sarah Grayson says the Queensland Police Service was always looking for more VIPs.

“All the VIPs bring different skills and want to do different things,” Sgt Grayson explains.

“Some like events and others like to help out in the office. We find duties that suit their skills.”

VIPs also help police in working with other emergency service agencies.

Anyone interested in becoming a VIP, should visit their nearest police station and ask for more information.

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