What's in the stars for Spring

Published 9:00am 19 September 2023

What's in the stars for Spring
Words by Moreton Daily

Renowned psychic medium and astrologer Patsy Bennett shares her complete guide to horoscopes for spring.

What's in the stars for Spring


The skies are fueled with retrograde planets, making this a time for reflection. Yet it is also a good time to plant seeds for the future and reconsider priorities regarding your long-term direction, career, status and collaborations. The Aries supermoon on September 29 will present new options in March-born Aries’ personal life, and at work for April-born Aries. Financially, you may need to re-evaluate your expenditure, especially if a large expense is unavoidable.

What's in the stars for Spring


This is an excellent phase to reconfigure personal and work schedules, so they better suit your circumstances. There will be a slower pace than usual, which will suit your preference for taking plans one step at a time. Avoid over-committing to tasks you’re unable to complete. In your personal and work life, you may be tempted to be uncharacteristically impulsive, but you’d be best advised to consider the big picture first. Look for balance, harmony and the chance to create a more solid future, especially at the lunar eclipse on October 29.

What's in the stars for Spring


Your home, property and family matters will be a focus this spring as you tackle a situation that requires a change. You’ll gain the chance to develop more stability and security in one or all of these areas. An outgoing and upbeat approach will be productive in September, and the key to success will revolve around obtaining the correct information for long-term decisions, or mistakes could be made. This is a good time to revise and review your circumstances and domestically, you’ll enjoy DIY and reconnecting with those you love.

What's in the stars for Spring


Better relationships and travel will be drawcards in September, and you’ll appreciate the chance to improve interactions by infusing relationships with more of a sense of peace and balance. You may also be drawn to repair or update transportation, especially during October. Your home, property and family will be a focus in October and November, and you’ll relish your passion for creating a nurturing space and loving relationships. A project, study or even a legal matter will be a catalyst for change.

What's in the stars for Spring


This is the time to consider how to broaden your horizons and to find a sense of stability and balance in relationships. Where you prefer to take things in leaps and bounds, the secret to success over the next few months lies in your ability to slow down and direct your energy in measured ways to attain your aims and goals. Otherwise, spring may prove to be a little frustrating, as developments will evolve slowly. Travel, meeting new people and reconnecting with those you admire will appeal.

What's in the stars for Spring


Spring will be an excellent time to consider how you’d like to budget and invest in coming months and years, as developments in October are likely to bring financial matters into the frame. For some Virgos, the focus will be on your personal life, as your investment in yourself and those you love becomes more important. It will certainly be a good time to invest in your abilities, work and daily health and routine, creating the opportunity to enjoy a stronger foundation in your life.

What's in the stars for Spring


It’s all about change this spring, and the better you anticipate developments and plan your life the better, as the eclipses in October could otherwise make waves in your personal life and financially. Decide early on who - and what - you prioritise, and where your values and principles lie, so that if you find yourself under pressure, you’re better able to decide your next step. Luckily, the transits of the sun, Mercury, Mars and subsequently Venus in your sign will help you stay one step ahead.

What's in the stars for Spring


This will be an excellent season to turn a corner in business and personal partnerships. The supermoon on September 29 will spotlight how you’d best like to dynamically and purposefully make tracks in your daily work and health life, and will be a chance to gain more of a sense of leadership. October’s eclipse season will highlight exciting pathways and plans that could be viable. Just be sure to keep your feet on the ground, and retain a sense of proportion, otherwise your emotions and expectations may override reality.

What's in the stars for Spring


Where do your loyalties lie? Are they well-placed, or do you wonder sometimes if you have misplaced them? Spring will bring into sharp focus your ability to build strong foundations for yourself and those you love; foundations that withstand the potential for being swept up in circumstances that do not resonate with your long-term goals and beliefs. It’s a good time to view your home, family and relationships as the bedrock of your happiness and to plan accordingly to create the happiness you desire.

What's in the stars for Spring


Your sign’s ruler Saturn will be retrograde for a large part of spring, creating a sense of nostalgia and, for some Capricorns, the wish to reconnect with your past - be that a favourite place or familiar people. Your ability to take things step by step will be an asset in September, and some matters will be slow to materialise. From October, developments may seem pressured, especially where you need to make swift decisions in your personal or family life. All the better to decide where your hopes and wishes lie beforehand.

What's in the stars for Spring


Spring will be ideal for deepening your spirituality and for developing a philosophical approach to life. Your ability to be innovative will be a useful skill set, as you may find some circumstances are delayed or slow-going. You’ll enjoy finding ways to infuse your home life and career with a greater sense of purpose. The eclipse season in October will certainly help you to turn a corner in one, if not both of these areas. January Aquarians may be particularly drawn to travel and to improve communications and relationships.

What's in the stars for Spring


You’re best known for your philosophical, creative, imaginative and spiritual approach to life. Spring will be an excellent time to develop these qualities, as your efforts are likely to succeed. You may even rediscover a talent or unearth an interest that captures your imagination. Other areas of your life that will benefit from investment and focus are the areas you share, such as joint finances and space at home. A constructive, positive approach to finding solutions will work best.

Find out more at patsybennett.com


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