Who’s Who in 2022, Government Gurus: Mark Ryan
Published 2:45am 8 December 2022
Funding, resourcing and supporting the state’s emergency services is at the centre of Mark Ryan’s ministerial duties.
This year, the Minister for Police and Correctional Services and Minister of Fire and Emergency Services has announced boosts for volunteer and full-time sectors.
The Volunteer Coast Guard Association and Volunteer Marine Rescue are combining to form Marine Rescue Queensland, with a “substantial uplift in funding and resources,” said Mr Ryan.
A $400m “commitment” towards more resources, personnel and equipment was also made with budgets for each service to “uplift” resourcing.
Mr Ryan was also at the front of Queensland’s Road Safety Week campaign in August and celebrated the launch of Woodford Cadet Unit and graduation of fire and police recruits.
There was also time to send birthday wishes to the electorate’s new centenarians, congratulate Caboolture C&K Apex Kindy on its 50th anniversary, plant trees to help the environment and visit schools.
About Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan has represented the area where he grew up for almost a decade in the Queensland Parliament.
He has served the State Electorate of Morayfield from 2009-2012 and from 2017 to the current day, having been re-elected in 2017 and 2020.
Mr Ryan has been the Minister for Police and Corrective Services, and Minister of Fire and Emergency Services, since November 2020 He was previously Assistant Minister of State Assisting the Premier.
He has also served on the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee, the Ethics Committee, Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee and the Environmental and Resources Committee.
Mr Ryan’s website says he grew up in the Burpengary area, went to St Eugene’s College and as been a resident in Caboolture-Morayfield for many years.
For more than 10 years he has volunteered at the Rosies Youth Mission, a homeless outreach service in Caboolture, been a member of the Lions Club of Morayfield and Leukaemia Support Queensland.
Mr Ryan has also been or is still a patron of the Caboolture Community Choir, Murrumba Pistol Club, Caboolture Disability Support Network, Burpengary Scout Group, Burpengary Western Performance Horse Club, Moreton Bay Table Tennis Association, Caboolture Disability Indoor Cricket, Caboolture Sports FC and Burpengary Pony Club.
The website adds he has degrees in Laws and Arts and was a lawyer before entering politics. Mr Ryan also worked for Telstra and the Community and Public Sector Union.
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