Who’s Who in 22: Community, part two

Published 5:00am 7 December 2022

Who’s Who in 22: Community, part two
Words by Moreton Daily

Today, we continue our Who’s Who in 22 series by listing members of the community, in the Moreton Bay Region, who have achieved great things in 2022.

It comes in a year which has been tough for many organisatons, but tenacity, ingenuity, hard work and strong teams have helped many shine.

We take our hats off to volunteers and those actively working to make our region a better place for all. You truly are making a difference.

It’s been a big year!

Who’s Who in 22: Community

Here’s part two of our list of some of the members of the community, in the Moreton Bay Region, who have achieved great things in 2022. There are, no doubt, many more … this region is full of amazing people but if we published them all, we might break the internet!

Click on each name to read why they’ve made the list.

(In no particular order)

Professor Karen Becker - Head of Campus UniSC

Keith Pavey – Berg Engineering

John Dowling - Moreton Bay Regional Prostate Cancer Support Group

Wellsley 'Jack' Darby – OAM recipient

Ronnie Benbow - Carers Foundation

Graham Gibb - Volunteer Marine Rescue Bribie Island

Ann Brooks - U3A Bribie Island

Len McCandless - Rosies Friends on the Street volunteers

Wendy Paterson – Be Uplifted

Mick Klein - Caboolture Sports Club

Danny Agnew – Flood rescuer

MBRIT events team

Felicity Abell - Founder of The Bush Bundle

Rohan James Robertson - Cardi Gras

Michael Smith – Express Recycling

Jay Peters – Neighbourhood Watch

Dr Calvin and Rosemary Irons – Mathematics Gallery


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