Awards celebrate community spirit

Published 8:25am 23 December 2020

Awards celebrate community spirit
Words by Jodie Powell

Deception Bay Community Youth Programs has celebrated the spirit of community with its inaugural You’re My Rock awards.

Director Janine Botfield says the organisation wanted to shine a light on people who have gone above and beyond in 2020 and reward them with a $200 supermarket voucher.

“No one denies this has been a tough year, but as always there have been people here in our community who have found a way to lend a hand and make a difference to their neighbours, their family and friends - even to total strangers,” Janine says.

Staying strong

“These people are the rocks of our community - helping to keep us strong and pull through the tough times.”

Director Jennie Drever says more than 70 people were nominated for the awards.

“We had an overwhelming response,” Jennie says.

“We had people writing in to let us know who has been a support for them this year.”

Winners announced

The winners were announced at Deception Bay’s Fairy Way by Moreton Bay Regional Councillor Sandra Ruck (Div 5), who says it was an honour to help judge the competition.

Rachel Edgar was named the overall winner after being nominated by Kim Paewai for her work as a volunteer at a local school, while Melissa Taylor from animal welfare group An Extra Paw was given a special mention after being nominated by multiple people.

Janine says the nominations were so touching she decided to create a special rock for each to place at Fairy Way.

“There are so many fantastic people around the bay that have been a great support this year, so we have a rock here for everyone who was nominated,” she says.

Read more community news here.


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